School was a little bit weird today because at the of the day we had a whole school assembly thing BUT! it was still really awesome though!
I went to gym and got my locker and uniform. It was cool. After wards, I went to Study Hall where I saw my friend A. A, C, and S and I went to Ms. H the Spanish 2  teacher and my Advisor! It was fun! I got some of my geometry work done (YES!), and then I went to the library, got a computer and went back to class. I went on  Gmail, and wattpad and stated checking stuff. I checked my email too.. :)  After  study all, I had Environmental Science. Ms. K is so awesome!!!! We
had had  a drill about observations and inferences. I thought that the stuff in
one  picture was school supplies and the other thing was like..... OMG! i forgot
but,  it was really a maggot and dust. (I never knew that dust could be colorful
under  a microscopic picture...) I love how everyone did there hw and was
actively  involved in class and the Mystery Box, a box where you put water in
the funnel  and we're trying to find out how to make it come out... (i have a
idea but I'm  gonna test it Wednesday I guess... ). After that I HAD THE BEST
CLASS IN THE  WORLD!!!! Ms. S's English class!!!!!!!!! So happy she is so
nice!!! So, we  talked about the questions from the summer reading, we have to
make 5 objective  questions for next week.. i finally got my books for her
class!!! :D:D:D:D So,  discussions will always be so entertaining ( Jon!!! You
took all the questions  and didn't call on me because I had two hands up
excitedly). So, excited face  for the class always!!! I really liked my next
class because it GREAT  CIVILIZATIONS!!! We took notes, on the 6 things you need
for a civilizations...  Mr. S is awesome but don't just pop up in his room
like i did one day :( he  doesn't like it... Lunch was expensive. I got
pineapple, pretzels, a small bowl  thing of tuna fish and a small red Gatorade.
I sat with my friend's S, a  girl in my advisor, N, and the girl from
adviser's friend. My best friend Light can dance, now my new
friend S can dance and  she's gonna join dance and singing!!! :D I'm so
excited about it!!! After, lunch  is advisory and convocations.. Convocations
the music he 11th graders played was  really cool but when he principal started
talking and reading this awesome  ballad about the Habits of Mind (our theme
this year). So excited to be in the  Fall Play this year maybe. Auditions are
next Tuesday and Wednesday.. so I'll  see....
So this was the third day, thanks for reading and check back next week for day 4th. Environmental Science we're going outside in a creek!! :D
First day so, I'm tell you everything here I go!!!!

I got to school and went to Study Hall, checked in and went to the library to get a paper done for
  tomorrow. Did that, at 8:50 went to Spanish in the Upper School building!! So
  that was actually fun!! I'm not really a foreign language person but just like
  last year at my old school it was fun!!! So, after that I had a free period. I
  went downstairs to get my book for Environmental Science and my friend C
  was down there to so I asked if he was going to the dining hall too. So we went
  to the dining Hall and got snack. him, a sandwich and a small Gatorade and me a
  yogurt and a Gatorade. We were laughing and talking outside dude!! It was so
  much fun So we went back to the Upper School building and saw our friend A.
  Cool dude don't even play LOL! but we did it was so cool. So after our free
  period we had  Collection (Where people speak and give announcements about
  everything). Afterwrads, I had Enviromental Science! It wasn't so bad really!!
  it was really fun. "We're all scientist" - Quote fom Ms. K! Lunch was next
  YAY! (Lunch was at 1:05pm every single day so, yeah) Had lunch with my friends
  A squared, C, and other people I forgot which was there. After wards
  C and I went to the turf and I realized that I had Jazz Ensemble but I
ran  all the way from the Turf to the Band room so that sucked!!! I went back to
the  turf and did some of my Science hw. We had to go to Meeting For Worship in
the  Autorium( where you sit in silence untill you feel moved to stand up and
speak).  I got my hair done last night and was done at 1AM becaus so did my lil
sister  and I almost fell asleep in MFW. Afterwards we had a class meeting. Then
the day  was OVER :'(

Just think it gonna be awesome and very different
  tommorow!!! Talk to you later my sis wants the computer :)
Today, was so  totally EPIC!!!!!!!!!! and I'll tell you why...

 Today, we went  through our classes at Orientation including Collection (a point where
students and faculty share important information). I loved every single class.
In my Geometry because, the teacher Ms. Ganpule let me talk about myself for a few
  minutes just because I like too. My friends Carlyto, Alex and Sharvona had so
  much awesome fun today OMG!!!! It was the best!! Alex, Sharvona and I after
  Orientation went and hung out at the school store "The Quaker Closet"!! It was
  fun because I took a picture for Instagram in there and Alex being the goofball
  he is, jumped in it and made a funny face.... WHICH I DID PUT ON
INSTAGRAM!!!!!!  I love every single person in all my classes!! There like so
cooooool! Lunch was  the awesomeness!!! Everyone was introduced to their senior
buddies and I met  mine!! There so fun!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D There's somethings I
don't have for my  classes but, I'll have them by Friday ( Thank you Carlyto!
NOTE SACRASM!) Loving  it and it's only Orientation!!! :D <3

that's it!!  Thanks for reading more detail tomorrow!!! First day of Classes!!!!
:D EXCITED  FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Like now and days late but had a surprise! (not a good one)

My old friend Shhhh... and his entire poor excuse for a girlfriend was in the assitant office and I had to go in there and put my book bag in there (because someone stole my lock). I went to my locker and got my binder and math book and then went back there to the office they weren't there YAY!! !  

Math-> Nothing paticularly interesting....

Spanish-> Spanish Exam... took the whole period.... Hated it it wasn't to hard the best part was the writing out of everything.... 

Music-> Some adults got back bone especially this one! She whipped lil E and A, and some other people in the butt when they spoke back to her!! Go substitute!!!!

My favorite classes out of all of these are... Music and English which I ddidnt talk about but i wanna work on my writings and read a little bit tonight.... sorry again fans....
Just think I'm posting a day before a lot of test will be taking place. Spanish text tommorow kind of like the finals, and HSA(math) Wedesnesday... + Algebra final next Wednesday and Science final Thursday but think about it..... A lot of text a big party like thing in Ocean City!!! :)

So today.....

Math-> Came to school late... ( well have no explanation for it). Today, in class, we worked on  Session reviews because the HSA you know Wednesday... talked to L about  FB and her Rp account... lol it was fun so many fights and weird discussing on FB.... We got homework before the HSA.

English-> Late was talking to my Elective teacher... So we had to do questions in the book, comprehension questions about the Anne Frank play. it wasn't hard, wasn't hard a bit then we got a schedule for the last two  weeks of school... Anne Frank finals :( but Anne Frank is actually a good person with a hard life I feel bad for her...) but excited we have no more journals even thought.. I LOVE TO WRITE MY BUTT OFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!

Music->  We came into class as normal, and got to work. We played Heritage like five billion time but, that's great I'm a clarinet and i have a B flat Bass Clarinet.. So, we (the clarinets and Flutes) played the songs we're playing at graduation which is cool because we're the ones graduating but, we're playing Music and what not!!!! The saxophonist and a trumpeter didn't have there instruments but, the trumpet player went back there with the percussion and started with the drums( to tell you the truth the drums and guitars make some awesome beats with those instruments, another reason why I love  Music the rhythm and beat plus, I totally lose myself while playing a song...)

S.S-> Not much talked did a substitute packet, talked to TeegE and friends and that's about itfor this class at least. 

Lunch-> I can't even say anything except, L rocked it in jumprope and I got hit in the eye witht the jumprope and didn't cry!!!!  YAY!!!!

Gym-> Just saying last day of gym!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY! First day I didn't get hurt in gym!! 

Bird's Eye View Elective->  A girl I don't like and her friends said my hair looked good but, then they asked me what I'm mixed with... why? IDK! and also they said that MS. S our elective (dont worry Ms S in our elective isn't the same Ms. S from S.S....

Thats it for my school day really? LOL

-*-* Bubble Gum over and out!!!
Sorry for not posting but this one is short!!! :D Forgive me but I'll post a lot once the internet is fixed in our house thankss!!!!
Sooo, news about today and Spring Break is far from over time to head back to school.... So, Music was awesome as usual. Math was boring because we looked over Simplifying Radical Expressions but we did that in the beginning to come down to the Algebra Final HSA and everything :(!!!. We went outside for Science/ Library(8b) so, that was fun me and my friends in my class were playing old games from like 4th 5th and 6th grade it was so col. Then 8B started playing old school games. You know what I hate when I sing people think I sound but, I can hear that I sound bad that's not right I don't think and I hate when people lie to  you. Shh... said today that on Easter he didn't didn't send me the text saying he didn't want me to text him anymore, but today after school on the way to my locker he said that someone else said it but not his gf or his best friend T so, idk if I should believe him or not. I' can't text him anyway my minutes are out LOL! he doesn't know that lol!!!! So music after school was fun but. my music teacher Mr. O has to figure out what wrong my instrument but in the mean time I'm using a more shiny instrument!! We have a concert Saturday at Spring Into Art and I'm sooo excited!!!! So I gotta go argue with my friend about candy on, and do my project for Thursday so, bye!!! XD
Sorry I'm so late.... new location of updating for spring break,my dad's house stuck on the couch. Good and bad about that! GOOD..... can do my article I got picked to do for my school community paper, update stories , and watch GLEE!!! Bad... because I might get bored.. Today was the spring carnival at school and it rained on our parade it was stillfun!! We won the wholeentire thing of course!!! (8th grade otta love ya). The best event forme was the water ballon toss because afterwards we had a WATER BALLON FIGHT(ALL OF THE 8A CLASS). We were just laughing smiling having fun, T squared bf touched my waist today when he was excited for someone winning something that had to do something with the Frisbee it was weird, and super gross. OMG! I'm done!!! With 3rd quarter I guess but I love it Spring break!!! I want to read so I'm say tootles!!!

So, so sad my friends because my hip is getting better but, sad my friend want me to go to the Hostipal and I scared of them places so I don't wanna go but. my friend are the best cause they care a lot about me. That makes me feel good!! So not much awesomeness happened today, except that I did my Spanish Unit 4 test before tommorow and turned in a project due yesterday ( didn't turn it in because I stayed home yesterday because I wanted to rest my hip, which I popped a muscle on last Saturday). Lunch was cool I mean beefy mac, and pea, and peachs. YUM!  Music was fun afterschool, and I'm getting a little dicouraged about Honnor Band, idk y I just am but the teacher is real AWESOME!! not epic AWESSOME!! I really wanna go to B .E.E.S. this summer to counsel the student Mr. K( 5th grade teach) said in class that there is only gonna be 40-45 students in there that'll be easy to manage. Of course, there's gonna be other teacher and other 8th grade counselers, it's gonna be really fun and hard because 40-45 students isn't a lot that a little more than Campfire ( afterschool program at school). Haven't heard nothing from Shhhhhh this week but I'm okay I just hope he's not mad or in trouble of some kind. SOOOOOOO, that's all. Oh before I forget go 8th grade on Friday because ya'll are gonna dominateall the other grades at the Spring Carnival. CIAO!