Sorry I'm so late.... new location of updating for spring break,my dad's house stuck on the couch. Good and bad about that! GOOD..... can do my article I got picked to do for my school community paper, update stories , and watch GLEE!!! Bad... because I might get bored.. Today was the spring carnival at school and it rained on our parade it was stillfun!! We won the wholeentire thing of course!!! (8th grade otta love ya). The best event forme was the water ballon toss because afterwards we had a WATER BALLON FIGHT(ALL OF THE 8A CLASS). We were just laughing smiling having fun, T squared bf touched my waist today when he was excited for someone winning something that had to do something with the Frisbee it was weird, and super gross. OMG! I'm done!!! With 3rd quarter I guess but I love it Spring break!!! I want to read so I'm say tootles!!!